Monday, October 15, 2012

New Songs Week of 10/16-10/19

I apologize that I haven't been able to get much done, but it's not like I could with this cold I had the whole weekend. I have, however, done two tracks.

The first track from the newly announced Dance Dance Revolution: Queen, Princes of the Universe, is now added. Known from the 80's movie Highlander, it has become the theme song for the whole series, and is a very frenetic rock track. Now, hopefully each week, one or two new tracks from this game will come out, with the final one being number 15. We also have Torero, Chayanne's major single from his Greatest Hits album. It's not hard to see why it got #1 on the Spanish charts, with its awesome techno beat, latin flavor, and anthemic chorus!

Now, I had other tracks in the works, but couldn't finish for this week:
Becoming Popular (The Pony Everypony Should Know)
Headlong / Queen

I can almost assure these will be ready next week.

New Song

Princes of the Universe / Queen

Torero / Chayanne

Princes of the Universe contains a 360p 3000kbps Video
Torero contains a 480p 3000kbps Video

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